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Continuously for more than 1000 machines on stock - spare parts for almost every type of lifting machines


Vecsés 1 (for enduser)
H2220 Vecsés, Arany János utca 11.
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Vecsés 2 (for dealer)
H2220 Vecsés, Lőrinci Utca 43.
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Vecsés 1 - office and service

Truck sales:


Vecsés 2 - office and showroom
Vecsés 1 - parts store Vecsés 2 - warehouse
Vecsés 1 - showroom 2 Vecsés 1 - service Vecsés 1 - backyard

Vecsés 1 - showroom 1

Székesfehérvár - temporarily closed
2008 2010
This investment was not sponsored by the EU.