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Continuously for more than 1000 machines on stock - spare parts for almost every type of lifting machines

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(for dealers)


More than 1.000 models of used and renewed electric, diesel or gas, as well as manual trucks with capacity of 1-8 tons are constantly available at our sites. Almost, all of them are provided with a guarantee, and full servicing and parts supply, or these are available against payment. Adapters and lifting mechanisms can be selected for almost all of the models, as required. When a machine is purchased, we take the old one in part exchange. We buy operable and inoperable trucks and pallet lifters.



If demanded by our customers, we purchase trucks suitable for any special purpose: side-fork, telescopic, tugger, transport, off-road, container carrier, reach or special single-purpose trucks and articulated, vertical, telescopic, scissor access equipment.