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Continuously for more than 1000 machines on stock - spare parts for almost every type of lifting machines

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Our parts store in Vecsés offers the largest and widest range of truck parts in the country at very favourable prices. From the almost 50,000 types of parts kept in stock we can provide almost full parts supply for the most often failing parts of the models most widely used in the country. We can undertake the purchasing of parts not kept in stock within 2-14 days with transportation by air or road, and with customs clearance. Our foreign partners (the largest parts distributors in Europe and the United States) assist us in the identification of the requested part from the 9,000,000 known part item numbers through a direct computer connection. Our parts stores at our representations keep in stock servicing parts for the most common fleet of machines in their region, as well as auxiliary parts and equipment required for equipping one machine. In the event of a special order or a larger amount, they serve the customers from the central parts base within 24 hours. We grant agreed price discounts and payment allowances to our regular customers and reseller partners. Our parcel sending service dispatches parts kept in stock within 2 hours from the order. On demand we deliver the ordered goods to the door on the whole territory of the country. We buy unwanted new and disassembled truck parts. In order to expand our activity, we are looking for parts manufacturer, distributor, as well as reseller partners for regional representation.


In the event of the failure of parts and main parts of high value, for cost-saving purposes we offer the possibility of renewal with a replacement part.



Fixed and mobile driver's cabins, canvases
Inflated, elastic and solid rubber tyres
Catalogues and instruction manuals
Adapters and grabbing mechanisms
Auxiliary materials for installation
Lubricating materials and greases
Special plastic wheels and rollers
Special forks and fork extensions
Special lifting tables and ramps
Hydraulic pumps and elements
Rubber goods and sealing sets
Access equipment spare parts
Sweeper machine spare parts
Crane /travelling crab/ parts
Hydraulic hoses and fittings
Original paints and stickers
Miniature /model/ trucks